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Sunday, April 12, 2009 ; 9:05 PMY
I just wanna remember that momentY
FiFi wearing a bra as a cap
2009 Sentosa
Good Friday

09/04 Modestos Dinner
Miss Lowell Tan
Zenda Darling & MiMi
Me & my Beautiful Sis

Today is a very special day for me,it's easter day and i accept Lord Jesus into my life again.Pastor Tony ask those who are new comer to come out so that someone will help us pray.When sister Katherine came forward to pray for me there's something i've never feel before i felt Gods presence and i started to cry and the prayer go louder and louder i weep like all my troubles and unhappiness and hatred all gone far away from me.Gods is so great and powerful and after the prayer me and Zen are lead to ground floor to register for the naturing group.I really felt happier for today and i have faith one day Nallur will be lead back to church by Jesus.I'm looking forward for next sunday service to worship God.

Friday, April 10, 2009 ; 1:49 AMY
I just wanna remember that momentY
Surppose to wake up at 10am but end up waking up at 1pm.Plan for today is to go sentosa but it was cloudy so change of plans,went vivo instead reach at about 3pm meet up for a cig she went bk to work and i start my shopping spree.time was too short cos around 5+ Joon said that she end work and is coming down to look for me.brought a dress from tangs,jeans frm river island that cost me 100+ le.Zen came to join us after work,Joon buy us dinner tonight cos she got 3 months bonus damn shiok lor.had dinner at modesto i had lamb shank zen had salmon and joon had pasta the bill was $138.after dinner we shop for awhile and decided tomorrow we'll go sentosa and relax,hopefully its a sunny day.reach home at 10pm pack up for tomorrow.Jan called and told me that big sis is diagnose with breast cancer and ask to make prayer for her.Lord have mercy on her and make miracle happen.Amen


Wednesday, April 8, 2009 ; 11:09 PMY
I just wanna remember that momentY

I must thank God for sending Shirley Toh into my life,she let me rediscover Lord Jesus.I'v come to understand lots of things happenning in my life and i wanna thanks God and Praise Him.It had been 2 hard weeks for me,facing lots of misunderstanding with my boss but i manage to take a break and reflect and also at the same time relax for i know Jesus will guide me thru,thank you LOrd.Took FiFi to class95 dog walk on sunday there's so many of them.FiFi was so scared cos this is the 1st time we brought her out to mix with so many dogs and people.We had a great time.I'm going to sentosa tmr on my own to do some reading and sun bathing after that head to vivo to shop and lastly meet up with Joon for dinner.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 ; 12:23 AMY
I just wanna remember that momentY
Yesterday went Julie hse to play mahjong with Zen and Nora,wasnt happy with all the rules Julie had set and she was quite hash on my girl i think its a bit ridiculars.i told her off cos zen is only playing 4 the 1st time and julie just didnt gv face at all that really piss me off and that is gg to be the last time we play together.Went hub with zen in the aftrnn cos zen wanna look 4 the watch we saw at thomson plaza yestdy,all the shop didnt cary the brand that she wanted.think she really like it very much.see when im not tired i'll mk a trip to thomson plaza to get it for her.Nall and Kel came back 4 dinner,i fried bee hoon and they like it.lately had been slppg very late in the nite and wasnt quite wanna go to work too.think im getting sick of this job cos i really dont like the way she handle her customer and also i find that she's very very fake.Sigh!i knw nomatter how reluctant i am i still hv to work cos i cant live my life like that.really hope 1 day i'll strike lots of 4d and toto and big sweep than i can quit.Oh Lord pls forgv me for being so greedy but im really very sick of all the lame ppl out there they are so fake.how i wish my 2 girls can tk care of me so that i dont need to work.i also hope that there's a man that can tk care of me and can gv me money to spend,what a silly person i am where to find this kinda of man,seow ar u kenn wake up la!!!!!!


Saturday, January 31, 2009 ; 10:52 PMY
I just wanna remember that momentY
It's the sixth day of lunar new year,this year had been very quiet.as usual been to moms side of relatives place for the 1st 2 days and rod at home for the next 2 days till fri went back to work.got $300 ang pow from company thought was too little but didnt want to think too much about it.there's a little unhappiness bout my job thought that i cant trust her cos nomatter how hard i work she will not appreciate so now i take things very easily.now i end work at 1pm instead of 3pm on sat cos i dont wanna stay there for no reason,there's no need 2 person in there at all.I'm very disppted with Alan and i told myself that i'm going to totally wash my hands off him.i'm very thankful for my 2 angels that God had gvgn to me,w/o them life will be meaningless.now i realise altho Alan left me but thats not the worst thing in my life cos i had my 2 dearest baby by my side always loving me and care for me and thats the greatest gift of all halilluya praise the Lord.funny after i'v mk up my mind not to interfer with alan bzness,i dont feel sad anymore even when i think bout his results of the tumor.aftr he blame me for everything i realise i'v been doing too much and its not appreciated,what a fool i am.as i grow older i became smarter and see things differently and also handle things with care.life wasnt easy for anyone i can say that it need to go thru alot and learn lots of lesson to gain all the life experience.i hope and wish my 2 girls dont have to suffer as much as me to learn their lesson.i'll always be there for them nomatter what difficulties they face.i will not be like their father always gvg them the wrong attention.Live my life in happiness and forget about all the sorrowness cos we can only look forward and not backwards.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 ; 11:08 PMY
I just wanna remember that momentY
It's already 2009 time flies and i'm 42 sigh.....Heard from the girls their dad is not well again and going to take his medical report tomorrow.I was very sad when i heard the news,cried while i prayed for him.I'm not sure why am i always so worry about him,he had done things that hurt me so much and i'm still praying for him,what happen to you kenn are you outta your mind.i really regret that i divorce him,i was to young to know what i should do in the interest of my children but i make a silly mistake by giving up alan so that he can live happily ever after with that bitch.i was so wrong my kids are the one that suffer for my mistake.i wanted so much to tell em i'm sorry,sorry for my silly decision and that they missed all the fun time spending with their dad.how i wish i can turn back time and everything will be different.God i pray you hv mercy and do not punish alan that way he's got too many kids to take care of and he havnt see our 2 girls get marry so Lord i would like to take whatever punishment for him,punish me instead of alan.Nallur my baby i know i'v been nasty when you're staying at home but i love you so much that sometimes i didnt know i gone overboared but i hope you can forgive me.Zen my darling i hope 1 day you can find the you love and live a happy life and always taking good care of yourself,i worry about you more than nall cos i knw you'r not as capable as ur sis in certain areas.if 1 day i have to leave you 2 urgently i want both of you to take very good care of each other cos thats all that you had and if you both cant make decision confide with Ah Yi k cos she's my only sister that i loved dearly.i prayed for all you 2,ah yi and your dad everyday.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 ; 9:50 PMY
I just wanna remember that momentY
It's 9.50pm on the last day of the year and the world is counting down for 2008 and gg to welcome 2009.i'm staying at home alone this year not gg anywhr perhaps i'm getting old and afraid of noisy plc or mayb i'm trying to avoid noisy plc or mayb my gals r not wif me 29 tt's y i'm stay at home alone haha watever it is hmmm it dsnt matter.Nall sms me greeting i'm very happy everytime i received her smses and i cried when i realise tt hw thougthful she is.i really missed her i'm not sure whether she knw or not.Lately i notice my health wasnt really well and im so scared tt i mite just die without seeing her get married and Zen not having a bf.i wish i'l die 1st den alan so tt they dnt hv to take care of me,i dnt want to be a burden to them.God pls forgive me for silly decision to divorce their dad and let my children suffer for my mistake if i cn turn back time i will tolerate watever alan did and make my childrens life happier.i'm so sorry to my 2 dear baby.spoke to alan yesterday and manage to gv him a gd lecture hope tt he cn spend more quality time wif nall n zen alone without jenny's presence i knw this is wat nall wanted so much.i just hope they will be more close to thier dad cos i believed alan missed their company too.i pray for alan health get better each day.Happy new year.

The Bear Y

Kennie Liaw
5th August

Wagging Tounges Y

The Bear Y


Shake It Y

Swept Away Y

November 2007
December 2007
June 2008
August 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
April 2009